Pro-training in birth, ethics, business and photography. NOW WITH CLOSED CAPTIONING!
are skilled, passionate and committed birth artists and workers who exemplify the highest of industry standards.
1.) An Introduction From Your Director
2.) How to use this course
3.) Suggested Schedule
1.) Laying the Foundation | Intro, Stages of Labor and When-To-Go (Pages 1-7)
2.) Laying the Foundation | Equipment (Pages 8-9)
3.) Laying the Foundation | Lighting Basics (Pages 10-12)
4.) Laying the Foundation | Camera Basics (pages 12-20 )
5.) Laying the Foundation | Composition and Artistry (Pages 21- 27)
6.) Laying the Foundation | Life On Call and Childcare (Pages 28-31)
7.) Laying the Foundation | Working With A Backup (Pages 32-33)
8.) Laying the Foundation | Setting Up Your Website (Pages 34-35)
9.) Laying the Foundation | Networking and Marketing (Pages 36-37)
10.) Laying the Foundation | Pricing (38-40)
11.) Laying the Foundation | Product and Image Delivery Options (Pages 41-42)
12.) Laying the Foundation | Infant Loss (Pages 43-45)
13.) Laying the Foundation | Glossary (Pages 46-50)
14.) Laying the Foundation Printables (6 total)
16.) On Being a Doulatog
17.) Portfolio Building Guide for New Birth Photographers (5 pages)
Quick Check: Foundations
Before you continue...
1.) VIDEO | Building A Profitable Birth Photography Business
2.) WORKSHEET | Financial Planning
Quick Check: Business
1.) VIDEO | Birth Photography Through the Eyes and Heart of a Midwife
2.) VIDEO | The First Latch
3.) Emergency What-To-Do Guide (8 pages)
Quick Check: Home Birth
1.) VIDEO | A Nurse's Perspective: Forging Better Relationships In The Hospital Setting
2.) The NICU Guide (3 pages)
Quick Check: Hospital Birth
1.) VIDEO | Documenting Birth in the OR
2.) OR Tips for Partner/Nurse Printable
Quick Check: OR
1.) VIDEO | Birth Photography Ethics
2.) VIDEO | Racial Bias in Birth
3.) VIDEO | Being More Inclusive of the LGBTQIA+ Community
4.) The CPBP Code of Ethics
Quick Check: Ethics
1.) Your Final Portfolio Review Guide (10 pages)
2.) Feedback Forms and Letter of Recommendation Instructions
3.) Your Final Exam
4.) CEU and Recertification Information
5.) Recommended Reading and Viewing List for Recertification
7.) Your Feedback
and the future of the birth photography industry by becoming a CPBP today.
Paid in full
2 x $375.00
2 monthly payments of $375